Saturday, November 22, 2014

Pay-it-forward Listings

It's been fun over the years to add items to the shop that help other people.

With many charitable organizations connected to Canada Helps, it's drop dead easy to forward money to them via Paypal.

The first additions to the philanthropy/fundraising section of the shop (these are buttons down the left hand side of the shop page where common sought items are loosely grouped) were fundraising books for a youth humanitarian trip. For the 2010 trip, the group developed a poetry book, and for the 2012 trip, we developed a children's picture book. These are also listed on Amazon. And I was able to upload lots of sample pages so people can 'see inside.'

Another fundraising piece was the lined tuque called the Tyler hat, in memory of the son of a friend we met on the trips whose son died after a short yet valiant battle with brain cancer. Since it benefits Winnipeg Inner City Missions, the idea was for it to combat the notoriously frigid Winnipeg winters. The design has kept evolving. I've stuck with the basic tuque or beanie. And I may add a lined earflap hat.

A third prong features the cotton baseball-style caps for youngsters (see pic above) for the mission of a friend doing great work in Cambodia. These are quick and easy little caps to make. But i wanted them to have some value added. At first I had sunglasses. But the extra needs to be always replaceable, and I can't always source the glasses. Now I have a 3D applique of a flower with face for girls, and a turtle hiding in its shell for boys. It would be better if they were toys. I think i just need to attach a back circle with lite stuffing to make the turtle a toy. The flower is probs ok as is. And affix without a pin - a round soft plastic stitch marker might do.

Another way the shop helps out in the community is thru donating items. i've donated sweaters, dog coats, HP toys to silent auctions. I'm always open to hearing a good pitch.

I definitely want to keep growing this dimension of the shop.

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