Friday, November 20, 2009

Dawn's Birdies

Really happy I made the connection to myself about all those birds I was knitting. Of course I knew the inspiration for my all bird Christmas tree - Stan's (mom's) cousin Dawna. She had that beautiful tree in her smart north Toronto condo.

My family trees had always been a glorious hodge podge of ancient, battered ornaments with a dash of handmade by us kids. Hers was the first I saw that was so...themed.

What a great lady. Has it already been half a year since she passed away. No children of her own, but always so comfortable with kids in her and Jack's condo. Always so mindful about the births of our kids - and I'm sure those of others.

It gives me profound joy to see her name in my shop beside every little bird. Seems fitting that each bird should come to represent the little beacon of joy that she was for her family.

The opportunity to see her name posted, to create something in her memory, has been entirely worth developing the shop.

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