Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Whole year of cycling - mission accomplished!

I've been loosely keeping a social media record this winter of when I/we have been able to get out on bikes.

I combed thru my google photos last nite, and effective Feb. 21, we've biked all year. Woo hoo!!!

That doesn't mean every single day. Obviously even in summer there are travel days where we might not have biked - travel days, days that are just too busy, or family visiting days. So i have cut myself some slack on that in winter as well. There might have been a 4 -5 day block where we didn't bike, but never as long as a full week.

It takes a few seasons to get all the pieces in place. Changeover to winter was a lot easier this year with a couple of sets of handlebar mitts at the ready in the garage. I think i have 3 balaclavas now.  They give varying degrees of coverage. My go to one is a Mec that goes quite far down the back of the neck. I gravitate to a turtleneck, polar fleece vest, long coat, bala and wool watch cap over top for super cold days. Was -11 C yesterday, and i was fine. Fingertips feel it when you take off glove to shoot a couple of pics! :)

The next hurdle is making your bike easy to get out in winter. We have an old school garage. Mainly well-aged particle board with a new roof and door. (My point here is to show you don't have to have state of the art, HGTV worthy garage to facilitate this.) Making sure winter bikes aren't stuffed way to the back has been key. Our driveway is pea gravel. It gets icy back there. I have the crew make sure there's a decent amount of salt down. Past years the 2nd car, which older son now uses, has blocked  the way out. Car is more in use this year, so it has been easier to shovel thru to maintain a clear path to the road.

Once you're out to the road, you're in the clear! Here in Halton Hills (nw GTA),  the main road ways are clear pretty reliably within 24 hours after a major storm. I have tended to use the adult trike with electric wheel in winter. Heavy, solid, plows thru anything and doesn't skid out. The only problem it has is that if you get stuck on iced over car tire ruts - that leads to a fear of tripping problem. But the main source of problem for that has been my driveway, not any where else.

It has also helped that bike buddy is taller and stronger. It used to be a worry, him not being roadwise enough to look carefully past tall snowbanks at intersections.

My rides weren't long. In general i like having an errand, rather than just riding in loop. Taking pics becomes an errand. Nothing fancy, just even an update to IG story. This kind of project forces you to view your surroundings with a fresh, appreciative eye every day. (Note to self - new theme needed for next winter!)

The pluses:

* no cabin fever thru jan - feb

* no expensive gym membership needed.

* no struggle with unsatisfying sweaty claustrophobic indoor workout

* outdoors essentially every day

* great life skill taught to the kid

* maintained hip  flexibility

* some hip strength retained

* general positive mental health maintained - no SAD, cabin fever etc.

What to do differently:

* incorporate indoor strengthening regime. In the past when locked in on snow days, i have a workout involving paddle strokes and  light repeats/strengthening/ stretching, that i just didnt do this year due to time constraints. But i am missing the upper body tone up, especially on side that has a weaker shoulder.  So i have to protect time for  at least a scaled down version of that.

So i'll keep posting my #winterbiking pics, i guess until equinox - when that would be #springbiking .

But suffice it to say, photo record shows i have already made it thru a full year of biking :D :D :D

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