Sunday, March 11, 2012

March Break!

Well I'm slightly saddened to read today that the maple syrup season may have started early and end early as well. Temps are supposed to be glorious this week. But apparently once the buds come out on the maples, the saps goes bitter, and doesn't make for good syrup any more. Oh well, Aunt Jemima with 15% real syrup will have to do. I'm dying to get out into the garden this week.

Have so many expansion plans for the garden. I think after 10+ yrs in this house I have finally figured out a good spot for the veg garden. Other half may not be as enamoured of it, but i missed my zucchini harvest last year, and i'm not going thru that again...!

Currently on the needles - we are getting ready for a sales table in the mall to promote our Golden Acorn fundraising book. I've had a notion that i would include knit mini squirrels - basically a ball with a fluffy fun fur tail, embroidered face - with the book to entice buyers. Ok, here's a pic of the prototype - altho in the interest of pseudo mass production, i'm moving to a ball body, no arms, ears or acorn. Will also have available diy acorn necklace kits in a baggie. And heck, it's a bonding moment with the team and a chance to promote WICM - complete win-win.

My childhood friend Kelly of Boston Terrier Rescue ordered a book online yesterday - felt good to transfer that directly to Norval PC thru Canada Helps as a donation to the trip. Thanks Kelly! There's some momentum happening again here people!

So kinda busy around here. Gotta get my normal time adjusting act into gear. Happy spring break everyone!!!

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