Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The book is done!

Finally finished handbinding the pages of our poetry book fundraising project. The kids' artwork totally makes it.

It's a good sign I think when you remove yourself from a project for a few days, then coming back to it later, you feel in the main that it's good. That's how I feel about the book right now. The feeling gives me quite a bit of relief.

I built a webpage with lots of detail on the book, including link to Picasa album of sample pages: find it here. The book can be purchased thru my Etsy site, or via PayPal off the website.

Little writing assignment to finish this aft, then am almost looking forward to working out how to market the book, send out sample pages for review, etc. I think it will be popular and useful to its target markets.

Wish me luck!

In knitting news - finished my boy and girl easter hats. Benny seems satisfied with the results, a good sign. Next up - want to make the Benjamin bunny tam o'shanter from the new/old B. Potter knit patterns book i picked up. So many amazing items in there. B loves them - my tried and true starting point.

Monday, March 8, 2010

What to do knext....

Tie up loose ends morning. Find myself booking flights for the youth group trip to Winnipeg this summer - guess it's really happening! Wasn't going to fly - but numerous unforeseen sources have approached saying they have a donation to the trip. Book and chili fundraiser to come, along with couple of knitting tables, and we just might have enough.

Rest of the day - personal hygiene - don't you hate wasting time on that rather than creating something. Sort book pages, guitar prac. Pick up Jellybean in the bike. He has big plans for Snowbank town - glorious that it's so springy out we can plan that.

Knext knit project - i'm thinking Easter bonnet....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thinking spring

Pretty much 18 more days til spring...finish st. paddy's hat...gloves for self : 0 Must find that notebook again for my spring list....

Time to switch gears to the writing yarns of GoodYarns. Illustration done for Manitoba trip fundraiser. So need to org pages, draft TOC and hand off to Karim...want ready for 2 wks before Easter... looking good that way.

Gang going to Sauble for Nana's bd. Gives me some elbow room for scanning in Jenny's book pages. Finally found good cheap OCR program - VelOCiraptor - whew!!!! Then further progress on that labour of love.

Smells like spring outside... the thought of biking down to the PO tomoro gave me a real shot in the arm tonite.

Thank the Lord and retire the snow shovel on a mercifully short winter!