Monday, January 4, 2010

What's on the slate for the new year

Well, hubby and i were down for the count thru the holidays, so didn't visit the st. marys branch, and hamper could wait. (phew).

Cold snap continues so all were scrambling for the bulky winter wear I've made them over the past few years, and were right thankful of it.

Holiday review - I ended up selling off most of Christmas inventory at craft sales. At fraction of cost of materials. Oh well, a give back of sorts, and $100 toward toward the WICM trip. More room in my box for spring stuff. Would like to post adult thrummed mitts, but not quite as trans seasonal as fingerless mitts. Was going to stash the candy cane yarn i didn't get around to but - stroke of genius - i owe a friend a dog sweater for her Boston. If i do it in red and white, with maybe a maple leaf on back in place of pocket - voila, Team Canada Olympic Sweater!

I made up a huge long list of long term and short term projects. Hope I don't lose the notebook again!

In the writing dept - pdf test for Jenny's book pages, select entries for youth poetry book/ fundraiser.

Maybe Weds. Right now - guitar prac. Looks like we're still on for subbing for John at NPC on Sunday.

All grist for the mill....